- wheel
- car
- cat (often whispered)
- Treacle (trecul – very short syllables)
- knock knock
- tea (he gets confused on this and Monty is sometimes labelled Tea)
- plane
- train
- flower
- dog
- Daddy (usually Da’)
- Mama (usually Mamamamama)
- ball (although often as gall)
- balloon
- wow (this one a lot)
- no
- tractor
- tree (or treeee)
- duck
- horse
- down
- gone
- hooray (accompanied by a Mexican wave)
- aahhhh (when hugging)
- door
- antidisestablishmentarianism*
*may be a fib
You need to be careful. He has the ability to say Daddy. Gone. Down. If he manages the word pub you could be in trouble.