2.16pm – I get scratched as I try to see what the problem is
2.20pm – arrange 2.50pm appointment with the vet
2.23pm – phone Hels
2.25pm – dig cat carrier out of the shed
2.30pm – phone childminder to arrange collecting Tom early
2.32pm – leave home
2.40pm – collect Tom
2.50pm – arrive at vet
3.00pm – go into examination room, juggling cat, son and Miffy toy
3.02pm – vet extracts thorn from Monty’s paw, advising that if it had been left there would have been an abcess and general nastiness, and administers antibiotic
3.05pm – nurse agrees that Miffy is suffering from Dirty Ear Disease and needs a bath
3.06pm – nurse relieves yours truly of £32.41
3.15pm – arrive home. Release disgruntled cat. Monty licks his wounds on his paw. I lick the wound on my wallet.