Mecca Cola

Mecca Cola - A Taste Of Freedom
A Taste Of Freedom.
Purchased in Vlijmen, Netherlands, 21/6/05. Almost certainly nothing like Mecca Bingo or MechaGodzilla.

Busy day

I had great plans for all the things that I was going to achieve yesterday. Unfortunately, one job took far longer than I had anticipated, so I didn’t get through my entire list. Who knew that painting trellis was so arduous? I had it marked down as a two hour task, but instead it took nearly six!
Anyway, yesterday Hels and I

  • painted the trellis and gate
  • painted the shed door
  • sanded down three of our new (old) garden chairs ready for painting
  • mowed the lawn
  • planted several plants – a Spiraea, Veronica, Veronicastrum, Eryngium and Anemone
  • cleaned the house
  • did the recycling
  • cooked lovely duck in port, orange and green peppercorn marinade
  • collapsed in a heap at the end of it all.

In other news, things have taken a step forward(ish) with regard to the sale of H’s flat. We now have a pile of paper. Yay.

Pass the HP sauce

Did you know that it is National Chip Week? Well you do now. So, to celebrate, H and I are off to the pub tonight for a curry.
Or have we missed the point?
UPDATE: apparently we’re staying in and having cod. More updates as events warrant.