Beer with…

…Lord Percy, Aris, Kearn, Paul F and Nikki, with sightings of Ted and Dave. Thanks to Lord Percy and Lady Bren for fine hostability at Percy Towers. All preceded by a haircut with Karen, catching up on all of Paul R’s news.
Chichester seems alive and well and pretty much its normal self.

Great party

Are you male, single and interested in going to a fabulous party in Brighton on 29th January with some lovely food and great (female) company? If so, email me and I’ll put you in the picture.

(Somehow, I feel slightly dirty posting this, but it is all genuine and above board and to do with our good friends at LITK).

Bum hats

It looks like I won’t be able to get to tomorrow’s bloggers’ party after all. H is ill, with the consequence that she won’t be able to come along and drive me back from the railway station (12 miles away). The alternative, a late-night taxi, doesn’t bear consideration. Bah!

Thrown in

This afternoon we took delivery of our new (to us) car. Hels seems very pleased with it. Colin, the guy who sold it to us, has very kindly thrown in a wheelbarrow. I kid you not. I’m actually very pleased with the wheelbarrow – it’s suitably cement-lined, battered and slightly rusty, and is currently in the back of Hels’s shiny new motor, much to her chagrin.

We also went to the Hardy Plant Society Sussex Group’s 10th birthday bash today. I set the group up with considerable help from several like-minded people, and it is really quite rewarding to see the group is in such good shape. Hels came with me, and had to deal with a large number of ladies-who-lunch saying "oooo! you’re Graham’s wife!" but, in spite of being thrown in at the deep end, took it all in her stride, as usual.

Picture double bill

From the honeymoon – Mount Etna erupting.
Mount Etna, seen from the north side from about half-way up the side
We decided that close inspection of the crater probably wasn’t called for.

From the wedding – Lord Percy and Peet ham it up.
Lord Percy, Peet and the Angel of Death
The full effect of the red wine was setting in by this point. (Photo courtesy of Mrs Peet).


There will be a webloggers’ end-of-year party. Fact. Webloggers can influence where and when it takes place by employing the FunJunkie editable page which can be found by clicking here. I intend to attend unless I’m moving house, getting married or doing some other reckless thing.