Ishkur’s Guide To Electronic Music

How handy! How confusing! Guaranteed to leave you with no idea what type of music it is that you are listening to, but written in such a way that you’ll have a good laugh finding out.
On IDM (a.k.a. Intelligent Dance Music):

This is the oddest named genre in the entire world, since it’s not easily danceable, it’s not certifiably intelligent, and it’s arguable as to whether it constitutes actual music. This is the realm of the uber-pretentious electronic music afficionados, with razor-thin eclectic tastes, who spend most of their waking energy arguing about what IDM is and what IDM isn’t. But I guess that depends on what your definition of "is" is. That’s why it’s the one genre that doesn’t have any kind of cohesive sound. That’s also why some of them despise the term "Intelligent Dance Music". So just ignore them. It is fun to listen to, after all.

Excuse me whilst I go and turn up my Amon Tobin album.


The funniest aspect of today’s news that Brian has left WestLife was listening to Denis Murray’s brilliant "Kerry was crying, so I gave her my hanky. And it was clean!" comments on tonight’s PM.

Oh my gosh!

Though Letter From America is now, sadly, gone from the airwaves, that other gem of British broadcasting remains. From Our Own Correspondent allows BBC journalists the chance to inform and entertain on subjects that we either do not normally hear about or, more usually, on a more human level than general news reporting allows.
Justin Webb, perhaps with an eye to the Letter From America seat, gave this insightful and amusing piece at the weekend, which I commend to you.

J.Lo’s bum: it woz The Sun wot cracked it!

Yay, yay and thrice yay! Absolute Power returns for a new series, with or without censorship, and is big enough to take mightily satisfying swipes at both HMG and the Beeb. And it’s bloody funny too.
Listen to tonight’s episode here whilst you can.
Interestingly, at the beginning of the recording, you can hear the last few seconds of the 6 o’clock News, with Andrew Marr making the following statement about the Government and the persistent problems with the 45 minute thing:

There are, they hope, only two kinds of voters: those who made up their minds about Tony Blair and the Iraq war long ago; and the vast, the innumerable army of the bored witless.

Let’s hope that there aren’t as many that are witless as they think.

Dame Thora

Last of the Sun. Thora Hird’s last performance – a gently amusing monologue, introduced by its author, Alan Bennett. Catch it while you can, as the Beeb tend to only keep these things online for a few days. And be warned – there’ll not be a dry eye.