BBC election blog

BBC election blog:

In case anyone should accuse us of belatedly getting on the weblog bandwagon, we would (proudly) point out that in the 2001 election, this was the site which brought you The Campaign Today, which in due course became Nick Robinson’s Newslog, both of which showed what a useful, immediate and interactive medium this is.


Burning issue of the day:
Q: What swimwear do the party leaders wear?
A: According to the Independent diary, the leaders told the Easyjet in-flight magazine that Mr Blair sports surf-wear, Mr Howard doesn’t know, and Mr Kennedy replied "Speedos, I think." Speedos?

Could prove to be informative and amusing. However, other election blogs are available.

Music links

It’s a long time since I last linked to it, but if you are interested in music you should absolutely bookmark DJ Martian’s Page, which has more music links than you could shake a very large musical stick at, and will be celebrating its fifth birthday just a couple of weeks before this site.

Lay down a groove…

…and play that funky music til you die.
There’s a Bloggers’ Disco going on, and whilst I could have nominated any one of a thousand tracks for the playlist that none of you would have heard of, I decided to go for Play That Funky Music by Wild Cherry.
It’s for charity, you know. And Mike is paying, which is nice.


I now have a Gravatar and I’ve implemented gravatars in the comments. I was slightly concerned that Gordon’s didn’t show up, but that is because he adds anti-spam text to his email address when he comments. Any comments or suggestions on the formatting of gravatars in the comments will be welcome, although as I have struggled with this for the past half hour, you may get short shrift.

Kottke goes pro

Kottke quits his job and attempts to pay his way in the world with his blog. I think he’s completely mad. After all, who will pay good money for kitten pictures?
I’m not sure that this is going to change anything in the blogosphere – put simply, there are plenty of blogs out there that offer high quality content (note that I don’t include myself in that category) and do not make a charge for it. Also, there are plenty of non-blog sources of the sort of technical and opinion pieces that Jason writes – some of which are paid-for but many of which are free. Since Jason is not making any compulsory charges for his content, the question has to be whether people will pay enough voluntary contributions to him for him to keep writing without any other means of support, and the answer to that will depend on just how much people value his particular take on the issues with which he concerns himself. I admire his nerve but don’t fancy his chances. Plenty of other people ask for donations to help keep their sites going, but I don’t see many people that actually get much income that way.
And speaking of donations:

EDIT: Jason has an RSS feed. He distributes his content widely and for free. I’m still not getting why people are going to pay enough for him to share his opinions without any other work. Mind you, film critics do that all the time.


WP1.5 is out. Fetch! (though upgrade with care, kiddies! Back up first!)
UPDATE: follow the upgrade instructions if you’re going from 1.2 to 1.5. I plan to play with this after the weekend, as tonight I must get ready for a journey to France.