update….well, plenty has occured since

update….well, plenty has occured since my last blog entry:
exam: went ok – much better than the one on Monday, which was hell on toast in retrospective…one of those occasions where the more you think about it, the more you realise that you really did a bad job. But Friday’s exam was ok – I was much less stressed, and able to focus more, and wrote nicely structured answers (no “stream of consciousness” responses). Have to wait until the end of February for my results, but will post them here.
Andrea’s birthday: still hungover. Friday morning, being a little stressed about my exam, I was awake bright and early, so was able to give her the presents before she left for work – and they fitted, which was nice (I’ll leave you to guess what they were!). And the flowers arrived at her work fine too, which was good.
In the evening, we went for dinner (I met up with the posse after my post-exam drinks session with a couple of the girls from college (Hev and Leigh), so was fairly warmed up by then!). The meal was superb, and we got thoroughly debauched. There are photos, so I’ll try and get one or two from Andrea and scan them to add in here someplace.
Saturday morning, after a little lie in, we went shopping, met my mum for coffee, and then went on to Ian’s in the evening for a games night. Everyone was a little subdued after the previous night’s proceedings, but it was a pretty good laugh. We got in around 2am this morning, but the rest were carrying on when we left.
Today, we went for dinner with Andrea’s parents at the Baillifscourt Hotel at Clymping (I’ll find a link somewhen), which was very good. Food was lovely, although I’m just beginning to get that serious you-have-overdone-it feeling in my liver and kidneys!
Tonight we are scooting up to London to see the SAS Band at the Shepherd’s Bush Empire. Report tomorrow.
Other news:
SJP is looking better after collapsing at work on Tuesday. She’s got to go for tests tomorrow, but hopefully she’ll be fine. Fingers crossed.
My friend who was diagnosed with cancer has been told by the doctors that he doesn’t need surgery or radiotherapy or anything – so having gone from doom-and-gloom, things now seem fine. You wonder sometimes if doctors do this sort of thing just to wind up the patients?!
Ex-girlfriend: I’ve received an email from an ex-girlfriend, completely out of the blue. I always feel a bit awkward about these things – I was really cut up when we broke up (about three and a half years ago), but life has moved on, there is much water that has flowed under the bridge and times have changed. I know from other sources that life hasn’t been entirely a bed of roses for her in the meantime, whereas I’m really very content at the moment (ok, I’d like more money and more free time, but who wouldn’t?). It’s basically just a cut’n’paste forwarded thing with a “how are you? are things ok?” note on the bottom. So, how should I respond? Ignore it? Send back an innocuous chit-chatty thing? Or send back something else? You decide.