hurrah! At last my new

hurrah! At last my new (to me) PC is up and running. Almost sad to see my old one go – it has been a loyal servant for around 5 years, at work before I brought it home. Now, sadly, it is destined for the scrap heap, although I’m half tempted to give it to mum to get her to try the interwebnet thing.
I’m tempted to upgrade this machine a bit. The processor is upgradable (currently a P1 133) and there are acres of spare slots in the box – so a faster modem is on the cards, more RAM and probably a sound card – the modem and sound card will probably be the first additions.
Unfortunately, although I did touch up the ceiling paint that I applied last night, I haven’t made any time to put the second coat of paint on the walls in the bathroom this evening, and I’m supposed to be going out to see Paul and the band – hmmm. Well, I suppose I could go and quickly slap some on…