PITP2 and FezFest. I’m not

PITP2 and FezFest. I’m not even going to attempt to link to all the people that were there, but old and new faces seen (and mostly spoken to) included Luke (bon voyage), Catherine, Catherine’s lovely sister Alison (further evidence of the fact that all people called Alison are lovely), Mo, Nick, Darren, Tom, Tom, Cal, Paul, Paul, Dan, Adam, Vaughan, Ian, Jonathan, Simon, Meg, Brooke, Sasha, Matt, Glaswegian Gillian, Stuart and Cass. Fine folk all.
Conversation topics included:

  • Blogging: what next?
  • Blog archives: how useful are they? How can they be better organised?
  • Blog formatting: should there be a new paradigm, and if so, what should it be? (I should point out that the word "paradigm" wasn’t actually used by anyone – if anyone had used the word, they would have been fed to the pigeons)
  • Pigeon shoving: a new sport?
  • Is being a thirtysomething better than being a twentysomething? (undoubtedly)
  • Burger King vs MacDonalds
  • Trains vs buses
  • Oxford vs Cambridge
  • Living in small cities (a good opportunity for me to use the C word extensively)
  • The price of beer (now officially cheaper in London than Chichester)
  • …and lots more, very little of which is related to blogging (a good thing, in my view).

And I was lucky enough to get a Yoko Ono CD from Luke’s great CD giveaway lucky dip. I say lucky, as if you’d seen some of the other CDs in there….