How bizarre. Live365 insert adverts

How bizarre. Live365 insert adverts into the radio grayblog broadcasts. I’ve just heard one placed by the Federal Voting Assistance Program or something, extolling listeners to use their vote. Ironic that the US government should now embrace online radio as a medium, when it wasn’t so long ago that parts of the administration were trying to effectively shut it down.

Excellent service from the British

Excellent service from the British Gas engineer this morning – he arrived promptly, checked the system over and repressurized it – that cured the immediate problem. And, because it only took a minute, he’s going to show the visit on his records as “customer not at home” so that I won’t be charged (phew! £96 saved). However, he did diagnose a problem with the printed circuit board – he said it’s probably just a dirty connection, but that if it got worse, the PCB would need to be replaced, which would cost £250. I said I could live with it for now, which was exactly what he recommended me to say!

What else can I tell

What else can I tell you at the moment….?

  • I’m in an incredibly good mood. Life is generally going along very very very well indeed, in just about all respects. This is, undoubtedly, a good thing, particularly as that is something that I’ve not always been able to say over the last couple of years.
  • I’m concerned that I’m not getting Christmas cards by the dozen at the moment. So far, the tally (excluding naff work type ones from van hire companies) stands at a somewhat paltry nine cards, which does not compare favourably with the 23 cards that I have already sent, not to mention the additional fourteen that I have yet to write. And e-cards don’t count.
  • I’m just about to eat a very large bowl of Scottish mussels in garlic and white wine sauce.
  • radio grayblog kicks ass, even if I do say so myself, and even if I haven’t updated it in ages. Must remind Charlie that she promised me a tune for it.
  • My new pimp-tastic jacket is definitely must-wear clothing during the current chilly spell – I’m so glad I was wearing it whilst standing on Worthing railway station this morning.
  • TFF: 28 points. Not very exciting.
  • New Wallpaper* arrived today – woo! yay!

woo! yay! Just managed to

woo! yay! Just managed to get through to British Gas, and they are sending an engineer out to me tomorrow morning. Let’s just hope he can fix my boiler straight away. Having gone through the diagnostic procedure in the manual, there are two likely causes for the problem – either some debris in the system that is blocking it, or (more likely) a defective thermostat. If it is the thermostat, I guess there could be a delay if parts are required.

I’ve just been offered a

I’ve just been offered a job. Well, kinda. Either way, I think I’ve inadvertently created a useful new contact. It’s amazing where broad beans will get you.