I’m back. News in bullet points:
- TFF: 36 points and 54 points for the last two weeks, taking my score to 573. Could do better?
- Was up half the night last night with food poisoning (I think) – I’ll spare you a description of the symptoms. Consequently, today I am a bit tired and under the weather. And chances of an early night are diminishing as I have some important tasks to carry out for The Project.
- Spent the weekend with Joanna enjoying crisp winter sunshine in Bath, staying in five star luxury at the Bath Spa Hotel and taking in the abbey, roman baths, shops, seafood and mexican eateries, riverside walking, Sydney Gardens, Museum of Costume, strange tourist buses, the impressive crescents (albeit from a distance) and more. Links later.
- The 2003 winners of the B3ta awards have been revealed – much time-wasting fun.