Ever read Three To See The King? I feel a bit like the guy in the tin hut at the moment. I’m not sure who to listen to, how to deal with this influence (or, rather, these influences) that has come in and is changing my life, and whether to up-sticks and carry my life off to some far away, half constructed, hole in the ground.
Lots is happening at the moment, on just about every level you can imagine. I’ve been seeking and receiving valuable opinions from others, and they all lead me to believe that I’ve made a bad decision somewhere, although I’m not sure quite which decision I’ve made is the worst one.
And all of this is proving to be a bit of a distraction from some of the core issues that I need to be concentrating on, and is diverting my focus from picking up on things which I should be noticing; diverting me from possibly exploring, let alone following, avenues that are opened for me. I’ve made some good decisions in recent times too, and I need to think about them and act on them too.
Simplify, simplify. Maybe Thoreau was right.
I really need to do
I really need to do some work on The Project, but I’m simply too tired. I also have a bit of a sore throat, just when I could really do without going down with the heavy cold that just about everyone seems to have had. Mind you, that is as nothing to what Joanna is going through at the moment. Her mum promised to call me again this evening with an update, but I guess she must still be at the hospital, or maybe she is on the phone to her sister in NYC. I’m quite worried for her.
UPDATE: Joanna’s mum just called. Joanna is improving by the hour and will hopefully be moving off of the high dependency ward soon. That’s a great relief.
Just had a call from
Just had a call from Man From NatWest. Looks like I have some work to do to convince him.
Just had a call from
Just had a call from Joanna’s mum. Doesn’t sound like Joanna is having much fun at all, so thoughts with her.
What the lyrics of Destiny’s
What the lyrics of Destiny’s Child’s Bootylicious really mean, via the wonder that is Lukelog.
I am utterly, utterly exhausted.
I am utterly, utterly exhausted. I could really use that old magic wand to wave over life at the moment as well.
Still, lots of work to do. Best get on.
I’m tempted to put out another request for jokes, but after your last collective performance, I’m not so sure. Anyone got some really good jokes?
Go give the boy a
Go give the boy a hug.
Urf. Spent this evening with Polly, Jo and mostly with Sarah, chewing the cud. I’ve cocked up, basically, and really could do with an ego boost. Urmf.
Thoughts with Joanna, who should
Thoughts with Joanna, who should be just coming round after her surgery as I type this.
Oh dear.
Zzzzz. It’s going to take
Zzzzz. It’s going to take me a few days to get my mind and body back to GMT. And I have to go to Germany on Thursday. How do people who do this all the time cope?