This will be linked on

This will be linked on every blog by the end of the day – mark my words: Dating a Blogger, Reading All About It. I’ve written stuff here before now that may well have offended people, and certainly I’ve written stuff of a deeply personal nature. Why? Well, driving traffic is not a consideration, although I love it when people read this site and give (nice) feedback. Mainly it is because writing grayblog is a cathartic exercise that provides a useful outlet, a place to think if you like. Additionally, I tend to write in the same way that I speak when face-to-face with friends (although with marginally less candour), and I do tend to talk about the things that are going on in my life at the time.
That doesn’t mean to say that everything that happens in my life is written down here. There are several threads of my life at the moment which haven’t been mentioned here, or have only been hinted at. That is either because I don’t want everyone to read about it, or because there are other people involved who I’m thinking of, or because the thread itself is still unfolding and is not yet resolved into something complete.
Furthermore, if something is not written about here, it does not mean it is unimportant. In fact, one or two people have noted before that if I don’t say anything about a particular subject, you can be pretty sure that it is really important to me. So watch out for the gaps.