‘Twas the night before Christmas…

…and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring…

…especially the kittens, because they were asleep on the clean laundry. Grr (but bless ’em – they’re the best Christmas presents EVER).
Monty (top) and Treacle sitting in the laundry basket

Whatever your faith or belief, Hels, the kittens and I all wish you a peaceful and happy holiday.

Open letter

To the driver of the white Astra van that passed me at around 60mph in the 40mph zone on the A27 at Lancing.

Would you like to explain your driving style to the teenage girl, tears streaming down her face, who was tying flowers to the railings by the pedestrian crossing? You know – the crossing with the big Sussex Police notices asking for witnesses to a "Vehicle/Pedestrian Collision" that occured there at 2.10pm on Tuesday.
Or are you simply on a mission to ruin another family’s Christmas?


…with kittens.
There will be pictures at some point, though not before Treacle has gained enough confidence to come out from under the bed. Actually, as I sit here typing this, I can hear Monty running around upstairs, exploring, playing and wrecking. If only some of his confidence would rub off on her!

Confused Santa

I’ve just had a note from Amazon to say that the gift I ordered for Secret Santa will not be despatched in time for Christmas, and that I’ve been awarded a £5 gift token as compensation.
This is interesting, as five days ago I had a note to say that it had already been sent. This means one of the following must be true:

  • the gift has been despatched and yet I’m £5 to the good
  • the gift has been despatched, I’m £5 to the good and the recipient is going to get a second one which they can then sell, although my credit card may be debited twice
  • the gift has not been despatched, the recipient will think they’ve been ripped-off by their Secret Santa and I’m £5 to the good
  • the Amazon system is totally borked and yet I’m £5 to the good

We shall have to wait and see.

Best bits

Everyone seems to be caught up in Best Ofs and Top 100s at the moment. Not one to be left out, and lacking ideas for original content at the moment, I felt that it was time to have some Best Bits of …grayblog… 2004, just in time for this site’s fifth Christmas.

Best Game of 2004
Top Dog – originally posted 13 December. Without doubt, the game that I played most this year.

Best Amusing Link (not game) of 2004
Making Fiends – episode 11– originally posted 13 September. The Making Fiends series has been consistently brilliant, and this was probably the best of them all.

Favourite Political Rant of 2004
Howard’s Wrong Way – originally posted 6 October. Apart from the Boris bit at the end, I think most of what I said still holds true (in fact, the Boris bit actually illustrates what I said about trust).

Best photograph of 2004
Tempted as I was by this one, I eventually decided on this one instead:
– originally posted 4 November 2004. This picture has lots of memories for us both. I’m going to try and take more photos for this site in 2005.

Best cat named after me
Graybo the Cat at Uborka.

Any suggestions for other categories?


I’ve just signed up for BTOpenZone WiFi roaming. The question is, if I’m off in some far-flung place and need to find a hotspot, how do I do it? I’ve looked at the online directories and signed up for Hotspot Hotel which seems to be one of the best. However, that’s no good to me if I’m in Amsterdam and haven’t a clue where my nearest hotspot is so that I can log in and look up hotspots!
What I really need is a hotspot directory that I can access from my mobile phone. I’ve seen a few American ones and BT Openzone run a SMS-based service that covers their hotspots in the UK. Has anyone got any recommendations for international SMS or WAP-based directories?