Has del.icio.us changed the way I blog?


Oh sorry, were you expecting more? Well, if you insist.

I’ve noticed a similar trend on a few other blogs – the old style of posting a very short entry with a link and short comment (sometimes no comment at all) gives way to a (more-or-less) daily digest of links, most usually with some sort of explanatory note or comment. On the plus side, it means that I am tending to post more links here, which is probably a good thing, but I’m not sure that the links that I’m posting are necessarily that interesting to readers as I tend to use del.icio.us to bookmark things that are of interest to me as well as those that might interest or amuse you. As it is, it possibly renders the “amusing links” category virtually obsolete as I now tend to put those links in via del.icio.us (bl.ood.y d.ot.s!).

Whether it means that I will actually write more longer posts to provide something relatively interesting to read between the link lists is another matter. I do seem to be writing a little more here at the moment, which I think is a good thing (though you may not agree). I may even write something interesting one day, although those of you who have been foolish to hang around for the better part of seven years waiting for that to happen don’t seem to have learned your lesson yet.

I’ve also wondered what del.icio.us and other similar sites might mean for the traditional linklog site. At the moment, sites like Darren’s continue to use the familiar linklog format, with Darren having a link to his del.icio.us feed in the sidebar. But will the social bookmark sites change or even eventually kill off the linklog? Couldn’t Darren simply feed his del.icio.us output into LMG? Or have I missed something?

UPDATE: I should add that I like and admire LMG and would hate for it to die a horrible death. The same goes for Darren.

Tower Defence

I’m finding this game frustrating. No matter what strategy I try, the best score I get is 75. I have even compiled a spreadsheet of the different towers to help me, but I still haven’t got near the creator’s stated high score of 90.


Oh dear. Every man of Indian descent must be wincing in the knowledge that this story is currently the most popular on BBC News. And it looks like a BBC wag was the author of the article, with phrases such as

over 1,200 volunteers from the length and breadth of the country had their penises measured precisely, down to the last millimetre.


  • Grunty Muck-Lane has a rant about people getting his name wrong. I have the same problem with Graeme Spenser.
  • Towns across Europe are removing road signs, wholesale. The Dutch, in particular, are less profligate with road signs than we are in nanny-state Britain, but Hungary tops the list of countries I have visited recently for roadsignlessness. via linkbunnies.
  • Looks like we need to buy one of these now that Tom has discovered forward gear when crawling. I’ve been sitting in the conservatory typing this and he has just got halfway here from the living room to see what I’m up to. And I’ve noticed that he is useful for getting the dust from under the stairs – it’s only a matter of time before I can start sending him up chimneys.
  • America may finally embrace a dollar coin. About time, in my view. I think there will soon be some enthusiasm here to see the £5 and €5 notes replaced with coins, as they get tatty so quickly.