A pain in the cars

Lately, we seem to just go from one car-inspired crisis to another. We’ve had a situation where my car was off the road and we had to rely on Hels’s car. Then mine was fixed, only for Hels’s car to be off the road so that we had to rely on mine. Now hers is fixed – and I’ve just gone out to drive mine and found a new problem which means that it has to sit on the drive until it can be fixed.

If the financial fairy is reading this, a large cash grant would be handy at the moment.

Full leather jacket

I’m currently selling a splendid Diesel ladies’ leather jacket over at eBay because it doesn’t match my heels it doesn’t fit Hels any more. The sale finishes next Thursday evening. If you’re interested, email me and I’ll send you the link.

Google and IE7 favicons

IE7 is much better at displaying favicons in the address bar than previous versions. (I’ve been using IE7 for a little while and can generally recommend it – it seems robust and the tabbed browsing is every bit as good as Firefox. Plus the increased emphasis on plug-ins means that IE7 will, at the very least, keep pace with Firefox – I expect a speelchucker plug-in sometime soon in one of the MS regular update thingies, but in the meantime I’ve downloaded IESpell).

I’ve noticed that most major websites now have a favicon (Yahoo!, BBC, grayblog, etc.), but not Google. For a company where branding and identity are so important, I find this puzzling.

EDIT: well, that’s made me look stupid, hasn’t it? Earlier, IE7 wasn’t displaying a Google favicon. I’ve rebooted since then and now it does. Shall we just say that Google clearly only thought to add one this afternoon after reading this post?

Amusing spam

It’s not often that spam makes me smile these days. However, I’ve just been told in an email from Mr Collins Potty (no kidding!) that I’ve won £1.5million in the Watford Lottery. Watford is, of course, famous for many wonderful things, but I don’t believe that a multi-million lottery is one of them.

Currency RSS feeds

Anyone know a good currency RSS feed service? What I’m looking for is something that might show live GBP exchange rates with USD, AUD, NZD, ZAR and EUR, as well as EUR against those currencies. Suggest-o.

On nappies

Two things:

  • I’m never going to look at a jar of Loyd Grossman curry sauce the same way ever again.
  • Why don’t we have this service available here? Apparently, this company is now offering this service in Australia, the Netherlands and California. Let’s just hope that it is a matter of time, as I’d certainly feel much happier knowing that Tom’s pooped pants were being recycled.