yup – yesterday *was* boring. I wasn’t impressed by the way that about four people pointed out that I have put on weight – one even asked when the baby was due. not impressed. maybe I’ll have to give up on beer and eating and do some exercise……naaaaah!
TPL – 30 points this week. total now 178. I’d be much happier if it was nearer 250. no trophy for me unless there is an amazing turnaround in fortunes.
weekend report – Friday. went to the bar. got drunk.
Saturday – work by day (doing a lecture in Dorset), pub by night. AW went home early, so I went to IC’s after the pub and shared a cab back with DA and SH. more interestingly, KF is back from holiday and waxing lyrical about the Kennedy Space Center and lap dancers. Hopefully, I’ll extract more details from him when he has his photos (he says there aren’t too many – I thought he’d have gazillions of them). also, JG, who introduced me to AW, has got engaged to AM – and amazingly happy they look too, which is all good stuff.
Sunday – spent the day with AW, went for pub lunch, generally flopped about and did not a lot, which was good, and much needed. I’m still a bit run down after my cold (and still coughing too), so a rest day was good.
work to do….